Which Type of Church

This week I spent time reading and commenting on a couple of blogs about churches. One discussed denominational titles and one discussed who or what churches should we consider to be evangelical. I am not sure any of that really matters if we are not following God’s word in how we claim to obey e good news or in how we live in our daily lives, not to mention what we do when we assemble. Many years ago someone shared with me a breakdown of three types or personalities of congregations. I share these traits with you and ask you to evaluate which type of church does Christ want and which type are you associated with?

Hospital Churches: These congregations seek only to care for their own. Everything they do from programs to worship, to fellowship, to classes, and so on focus only on the needs of her members. Their focus is inward.

Army Churches: These congregations are always on the march. They go from battle front issue to battle front issue. They are always fighting someone, some idea, some politician, or each other. They seem to always have ground to win back. They are more at war than in a war. Their focus is on winning at all cost.

MASH Unit Churches: These churches Semele an army on the march, yet, they seem to know that the enemy is Satan. They take care to see that no one becomes a victim of “friendly fire.” They know that people are not the enemy. they are on the march, while simultaneously caring for the wounded, recruiting and training new people, equipping and sending people to the front lines and helping in recovery efforts. They are looking after souls not to defeat them, but to save them.

Which will we be?

– Scott


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